

Astrology is as old as measured time. There are probably as many different approaches to this fascinating sub-ject as there are astrologers in the world today.In general,astrology embraces the idea that there is a connection be-tween the heavens and earth-that the heavens and the earth are united,interpenetrating and sharing a common space and time. The great cosmic events happening be-yond the earth don't cause events to occur on earth but rather reflect the events happening on earth. In other words, there is no cause in the heavens and then an effect here on earth. Planetary event are not causing events here on earth.Rather, both planetary and earthly events here on earth. Rather,both planetary and earthly events happen simultaneously and are mutually reflective. Neither is the cause of the other.Both are the product of the acted out in the heavens above, the other here on the earth below.

All major cosmic events are interactive; that is,they represent an activity also taking place within ourself, our consciousness, and in our daily life.Astrology is a study of heavenly cycles and cosmic events as they are reflected here in our earthly environ-ment.By studying the planetary arrangement for a given moment, the astrologer can gain an accurate picture of what has happened on earth at that moment.This is what astrology is all about. Astrology helps us to see ourself and ife in a greater perspective,to obtain the big picture. Astrology also provides very specific information to help us direct the events in our life with greater success.Astrology offers a new way of organizing the events on our life-a bew wat ig seeing and understanding them.
